应用 叉车夹具附件使叉车成为一种更加通用和高效的物料搬运工具 类型 1. 捆包夹具的制造可有效处理棉花、羊毛、合成纺织品、废钢和几乎任何其他打包产品,而无需托盘(例如:棉花、羊毛、废纸、布)。 2. 叉车泡沫夹可以搬运和堆放任何类型的棉制品,包括橡胶、化工、化纤等。 3. 多用途夹具几乎可以处理任何类型的纸箱、木...
Features 1.Proven durable T-beam arm aluminium frame construction. 2.Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. 3.Excellent driver visibility. 4.Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed. 5.Thin arm designed, easy to permit close stacking. Specification Note Obtain the actual capacity of the forklift and attachments from the forklift manufacturer, Two sets additional oil circuit required on forklift Open arm range is the space between two arms tip. Arm thickness"C" is the actural requested operation space. Please contact the sales from HUAMAI ...